325-665-0602 or 325-269-1634
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NSC refers to No Spinal Cord'. A major technological advance and benefit provided by this technology is that the beef is processed without exposing the spinal cord, and therefore no bone meal is spread over the product.
Our system is all Boneless. We are able to strip the carcass thoroughly to the bone, reducing waste and optimizing meat yields.
If the spinal cord is not exposed (cut) and no bone meal is spread over the product, the chance of BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or 'Mad Cow Disease') contaminating the beef is greatly reduced or eliminated. Agriculture beef slaughter beef processing
Gary Hendrix's experience in the meat industry began with a high school vocational work program in 1973 when he was 17 years of age. He received an outstanding student award for the two years he participated in the program, won district competition in meat cutting skills and progressed to state level competition. After completing high school, Mr Hendrix worked for grocery stores in Abilene, Texas, and Casper, Wyoming. Forty years later, he brings invaluable experience and innovative technology to the beef industry that will forever change how beef is processed. Agriculture beef slaughter beef processing
NSC Beef Processing, LLC.